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the image shows four people on a busy street, in dynamic poses, as if they were dancing, four women of different ethnicities, intertwined and crossing a security lane.

Show Repertoire

Signal Deviation

Photo: Fab Lütz

Design sem nome (17)_edited.jpg

Free Workshops

Clarice Lima (SP)


Photo: Patrícia Araujo

The image shows a photo of a man and a woman pasting posters on a street lamp, on a corner, both are wearing coats and it appears to be a cold day,

Residence | Banksy Effect

Casa Salto
04 to 13/10

Photo: Cris Lima

The image shows a photo of a group of children in movement, with a boy in a red t-shirt, shorts and blue socks and a straw hat, further forward, as if he were the "leader" of the group in a running pose, which is being imitated by other children.

Children's Public Creation

Tóin: Dance and Little Guests

Photo: Fab Lütz

WhatsApp Image 2024-04-25 at 18.39_edite

Course | Workshop

Marcela Reichelt (AL)
23, 24 and 26/08

Photo: Ana Eduarda Diehl

WhatsApp Image 2024-04-25 at 18.45_edite


Web 3.0 Incubator | Online

November 04, 11 and 18.

Photo: Personal Collection

The image shows a photo of a black wall, and an improvised bonfire on the left, with a large and offensive tree, further ahead, on a cloudy day with thick, but dry branches. It is the image of the old Centro Cenotécnico, in Porto Alegre, which is now abandoned and closed into disuse.

Short film

Scene Deviation

Photo: Cris Lima

WhatsApp Image 2024-04-24 at 20.05_edite


IN SITU diversion
27/08, 20 and 25/09

Photo: Cris Lima

The image shows the photo of several different people, who will take part in the Thematic Debates - Muovere Dialogues, there are 10 small images of the guests, and one large one.

Thematic Debates

Muovere Dialogues | Online

November, 20 to 24.

Photo: Image

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